Join me for our next WifeBoat Online Support Group May 18th-August 10th Hear more about WifeBoat on Renee's interview on Midday Connection with Anita Lustrea and Melinda Schmidt on Moody Radio I've had many women ask me how they could possibly cope after finding out the devastating news that their husband had been using pornography, having an affair or feeling homosexual attractions. These grieving wives have often felt there was no place to turn to talk safely and openly about what they were dealing with. Family, friends, and career Continue Reading
Women Are Like That
Here's the eleventh commandment: Thou shalt have a sense of humor! I thought this movie trailer from a 30's movie might be entertaining! Women Are Like That portrays a "libertine" wife having to be taught to behave by her husband. I'll bet many of us wish the roles were reversed here, don't you? I know many a woman who'd like to KO her husband so he'd behave. Ah... if it were only as easy and breezy as a light romantic comedy. But, seriously, how do you keep your sense of humor in your present circumstances? I'd like to know. Let's Continue Reading
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