I've been wanting to explore the issue of abandonment for several months now, because it seems to be an issue that comes up again and again during the WifeBoat Support Groups. Here's Part I of a guest post I did for my husband's blog, JoeDallasOnline.com. Look for Part II next week, when I address how to move from fear-based relating to more a God-centered and secure way of dealing with fear of abandonment. Blessings, R. Left Behind: The Problem Can you imagine a little girl raised in poverty because her father squandered the family Continue Reading
December 30, 2011 By Renee
Left Behind: The Problem
Filed Under: Stories from the Rowboat, Wives in Crisis, Wives of Men with Porn Addiction, Wives of Men with SSA Tagged With: abandonment, fear, Joe Dallas, marriage and adultery, Renee, wives in recovery, Wives support Groups
October 3, 2009 By Renee
Personal Worship and Healing

“Oh, there is in contemplating Christ, a balm for every wound; in musing on the Father, there is a quietous for every grief; and in the influence of the Holy Ghost, there is a balsam for every sore... I know nothing which can so comfort the soul... as a devout musing upon the subject of the Godhead”. --Charles Spurgeon I learned this during the time I worked through the pain of my first husband’s betrayal: personal worship leads to healing. At first I was so numb; the jarring realization of what had happened left me wounded, Continue Reading
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