I have been a fan of Dr. Donald Joy for several years, and had the privilege of meeting him at a conference where my he and my husband were speaking. I had read his book on bonding and relationships, and the first chapter, “Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?” grabbed me and never let me go. The concept helped me understand and visualize what healthy relationships look like and how important accountability and support are, especially if a person has been in a crisis situation. Let me explain my take on the trampoline concept: Dr. Joy, a Continue Reading
August 26, 2013 By Renee
Who’s Holding Your Trampoline?
Filed Under: Friendship, Get Your Life On! Tagged With: christian girl, Encourage, Friendship, healthy relationships, reality check, relationships, support system
June 10, 2009 By Renee
Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?

I have been a fan of Dr. Donald Joy for several years, and had the privilege of meeting him at a conference where my he and my husband were speaking. I had read his book on bonding and relationships, and the first chapter, “Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?” grabbed me and never let me go. The concept helped me understand and visualize what healthy relationships look like and how important accountability and support are, especially if a person has been in a crisis situation. Let me explain my take on the trampoline concept: Dr. Joy, a Continue Reading
Filed Under: Friendship, Stories from the Rowboat, WifeSavers, Wives in Crisis Tagged With: accountability, adultery, Christian marriage, Christian marriage counseling, church, crisis, Dr Donald Joy, Friendship, healing, jump, life, metaphor, relationships, support, support system, trampoline, Wives of Men with Porn Addiction
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