Last month the famous editor of Cosmopolitan, Helen Gurley Brown, passed away. She was a pioneer of sorts in the feminist movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s. During that time, I was an impressionable young preteen with a fascination for fashion magazines, intent on studying my budding womanhood and looking for role models anywhere I could find them. Don’t get me wrong here – my mother was a wonderful role model for me, and the older I get the more I’m grateful for her and appreciate who she was and what she gave me. She not only was a Continue Reading
September 4, 2012 By Renee
“Looking Good is the Best Revenge” and Other Worldly Myths
Filed Under: Culture Cues, Get Your Life On! Tagged With: betrayal, divorce, Fashion, Feminism, God, Heart, Helen Gurley Brown, Hope, Jesus, life, Looking Good, love, Marriage, Post-feminism, Pre-teen, Project Runway, women, Worship
October 27, 2008 By Renee
Paris Hilton’s New BFF

I was in an allergy coma from the onset of the Santa Ana winds the other day, which would explain why I switched channels to watch Paris Hilton’s new show, My New BFF. In it, young women were competing Project Runway style for the privilege of being Paris’ New Best Friend Forever. Of course, Paris’ definition of Best Friend is different than most of ours. Most of us assume there’s a certain mutuality that comes with friendship. But with Paris it’s a little one-sided. In this show, friendship has definitely devolved into a shallow, Continue Reading
Filed Under: Friendship, Stories from the Rowboat Tagged With: auditions, Celebrate Recovery, celebrities, Christianity, church, FaceBook, Friendships, Giligan's Island, island, Jesus, MTV, New BFF, Paris Hilton, Project Runway, Support Groups
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