A few years ago, there was a short-lived reality show called My New BFF, where young women competed for the privilege of being Paris Hilton’s “New Best Friend Forever”. It was a one-sided proposition where Paris the celebrity, auditioned those eager to earn the privilege of entering her world. The title of Friend came at a price, and I couldn’t help but think of the popularity contests in my high school that only fed teenage angst and left many of us feeling insecure and unsure of ourselves. But even as adults, friendship can still be Continue Reading
January 7, 2014 By Renee
Cultivating your BFFs
Filed Under: Culture Cues, Friendship, Get Your Life On!, I.M.H.O, WifeSavers Tagged With: Bible, comfort, FaceBook, Friendship, New BFF, support, WifeBoat Support Groups, women
October 27, 2008 By Renee
Paris Hilton’s New BFF

I was in an allergy coma from the onset of the Santa Ana winds the other day, which would explain why I switched channels to watch Paris Hilton’s new show, My New BFF. In it, young women were competing Project Runway style for the privilege of being Paris’ New Best Friend Forever. Of course, Paris’ definition of Best Friend is different than most of ours. Most of us assume there’s a certain mutuality that comes with friendship. But with Paris it’s a little one-sided. In this show, friendship has definitely devolved into a shallow, Continue Reading
Filed Under: Friendship, Stories from the Rowboat Tagged With: auditions, Celebrate Recovery, celebrities, Christianity, church, FaceBook, Friendships, Giligan's Island, island, Jesus, MTV, New BFF, Paris Hilton, Project Runway, Support Groups
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