Perseverance – My Saturday Morning Devotion from Exodus 2012

I have always thought the end of a conference was one of the hardest times to navigate: we’ve been in a cocoon-like world, a back-to-the-womb time. We expressed, received and gave. Then the inevitable happened: we came down from the mountain to face a huge paradigm shift and a series of ups and downs. (Mine included delayed flights, stuffy airplanes, and chocolate binges). But reality tends to check us at the door of home sweet home. The things we sought to understand in the insulated safety of that mountain now present themselves squarely Continue Reading

About Last Night

Last night while the West Coast was at ease, I began to reflect on the events of the day.  Our WifeBoat Group meeting had ended, all those courageous ladies sharing, baring and holding their hearts open to the Lord and to each other. I was so grateful for            God's presence and work.  I sat straight up in bed and wrote this:           Today, I was your partner. I set out to prepare for the work You had for me      and my heart became so full-- ideas, thoughts, compassion, pleadings--      all mingled with joy and anticipation. The Continue Reading