For a wife who is dealing with her husband’s sexual sin, part of the process of forgiveness includes coming to an understanding of what she has truly lost by the betrayal, and then beginning to release the debt of the offense against her. If she doesn’t go through this process, I’m not sure she can truly say “from her heart” she has truly forgiven. (Matthew 18:32-35) But forgiveness can be a challenge because the hurt may still resonate, and the emotions and fears combine to add confusion as to what true forgiveness looks like. Here are Continue Reading
Questions Wounded Wives Ask
Renee, you've been telling us about the WIFEBOAT Online Support Groups. What sort of topics will you cover in this program? The WIFEBOAT Online Support Group will be 2 hours a week for 12 weeks. After we take some time to share our stories, each session will have a short teaching on subjects relevant to their recovery--boundaries, wounded femininity, children and family issues--then we'll have a group discussion on how this issue is affecting each one. I even have a special guest facilitator planned--my husband Joe will be on hand for a Continue Reading
Perseverance – My Saturday Morning Devotion from Exodus 2012
I have always thought the end of a conference was one of the hardest times to navigate: we’ve been in a cocoon-like world, a back-to-the-womb time. We expressed, received and gave. Then the inevitable happened: we came down from the mountain to face a huge paradigm shift and a series of ups and downs. (Mine included delayed flights, stuffy airplanes, and chocolate binges). But reality tends to check us at the door of home sweet home. The things we sought to understand in the insulated safety of that mountain now present themselves squarely Continue Reading
Ten Steps to Help When You Face Difficult Situations
The WifeBoat "Just for Today" List The New Year is rife with examples of resolutions and "to-do" lists, but many times, weeks after they are made, there is nothing to show for them. This year I hope you'll use of The WifeBoat "Just for Today" List to help as you work through the difficult situation you may be facing--I've linked to a pdf version at the end of this article for you to print out for your own personal use. God's blesssing and Happy New Year. -R 1. I will let his recovery be his, not mine. If he wants to change, he’ll do what’s Continue Reading
He says he’s sorry. You still don’t trust him. Now what?
You’ve been betrayed, and you know you have to forgive. But does that mean you also have to trust? What’s the difference? This is a dilemma I hope we can sort out together. Let me give you my take on it: 1. You can decide to forgive your husband. In fact, no matter how deeply he’s hurt you, the Lord’s commandment on this is clear (Mark 11:24-25, 26) and there’s no “escape clause” in these verses for angry, hurting wives. If you read these verses, you’ll see Jesus teaching that unforgiveness stands in the way of answered prayer! We all Continue Reading
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