“Oh fetch back that duty which thou hast sent away, though least in thy eye, yet, it may be, it is that which God means to crown with His choicest blessing to thy soul.” – William Gurnall This pandemic has brought us into an interesting alternate universe – in just a few months, the things we’ve always taken as a “given” in our culture seem to have been taken away with astounding speed, confusing explanations and rumbles of intimidation. Nowhere is this more evident than in the practice of faith. Because of the potential spread Continue Reading
July 7, 2020 By Renee
We Can’t Stop Singing and Here’s Why
Filed Under: Culture Cues, I.M.H.O Tagged With: bold living, Christian Worship, Churches, COVID-19, Singing
May 6, 2009 By Renee
Live Boldly in Tough Times

“We must meet our reverses boldly…. And not suffer them to frighten us. We shall act the play out, and live misfortune down” -David Copperfield I’m always looking for words or phrases that seem to grab my heart and articulate how I feel about a particular subject; for me, this line from the book David Copperfield seems to encapsulate the idea of perseverance. When you read the story of David Copperfield (which is more or less an autobiography of Charles Dickens with the names changed) you’ll see setback after setback being matched by Continue Reading
Filed Under: The Word Gone Wild, WifeSavers, Wives in Crisis Tagged With: A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities, addiction, adversity, betrayal, Bible, bold, bold living, Charles Dickens, Christian values, Christian worldview, David Copperfield, God's love, government excess, partisianship, perserverance, Recovery, social injustice, stormy marriages, Tough times
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