I’m fresh off a study in my women’s group on the Book of Jonah-- four short chapters long on drama! It’s a story of God’s interruption in the life of a man who refused His call, rebelled and bolted, got rerouted and released on the shore with no choice but to revisit his mandate to preach repentance. Could our group relate from lessons learned in our own lives! I appreciated the honest sharing, citing second chances and divine interventions, recycled hardships and God’s unrelenting pursuit ( O Love that Will Not Let Me Go! ). We Continue Reading
He says he’s sorry. You still don’t trust him. Now what?
You’ve been betrayed, and you know you have to forgive. But does that mean you also have to trust? What’s the difference? This is a dilemma I hope we can sort out together. Let me give you my take on it: 1. You can decide to forgive your husband. In fact, no matter how deeply he’s hurt you, the Lord’s commandment on this is clear (Mark 11:24-25, 26) and there’s no “escape clause” in these verses for angry, hurting wives. If you read these verses, you’ll see Jesus teaching that unforgiveness stands in the way of answered prayer! We all Continue Reading
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