I wanted to let you all know that I will be on KBRT 740.am today, talking about the work of WifeBoat while my husband is guest hosting for Rich Bueler’s show, “Talk from the Heart”.
If anyone wants to listen, it’s on at KBRT AM 740 3:00-5:00pm PST. You can also listen live online at http://www.kbrt740.com/ if you go to the site at that time.
Thanks to everyone for keeping the show in prayer, and please continue to pray for Rich, who is ill with a cancer diagnosis, and his family.
Thanks so much!
Heard the show.. You and Joe were great! It was nice hearing a woman describe what other women go through, and you and Joe as a couple talking about what both go through. Perhaps if we talk about it more, it will become easier to get help. Thanks for your ministry!