Here's the eleventh commandment: Thou shalt have a sense of humor! I thought this movie trailer from a 30's movie might be entertaining! Women Are Like That portrays a "libertine" wife having to be taught to behave by her husband. I'll bet many of us wish the roles were reversed here, don't you? I know many a woman who'd like to KO her husband so he'd behave. Ah... if it were only as easy and breezy as a light romantic comedy. But, seriously, how do you keep your sense of humor in your present circumstances? I'd like to know. Let's Continue Reading
Archives for May 2009
May 19, 2009 By Renee
Women Are Like That
Filed Under: Reel Recovery, Wives of Men with Porn Addiction Tagged With: 1930's movie clip, adultery, Humor, husbands, Kay Francis, marriage troubles, movie trailer, Pat O'Brien, Turner Classic Movies, women, Women and Infidelity
May 6, 2009 By Renee
Live Boldly in Tough Times

“We must meet our reverses boldly…. And not suffer them to frighten us. We shall act the play out, and live misfortune down” -David Copperfield I’m always looking for words or phrases that seem to grab my heart and articulate how I feel about a particular subject; for me, this line from the book David Copperfield seems to encapsulate the idea of perseverance. When you read the story of David Copperfield (which is more or less an autobiography of Charles Dickens with the names changed) you’ll see setback after setback being matched by Continue Reading
Filed Under: The Word Gone Wild, WifeSavers, Wives in Crisis Tagged With: A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities, addiction, adversity, betrayal, Bible, bold, bold living, Charles Dickens, Christian values, Christian worldview, David Copperfield, God's love, government excess, partisianship, perserverance, Recovery, social injustice, stormy marriages, Tough times
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